Harbor Drive Trunk Sewer
City of San Diego
Project Type: Sewer/Water/CIPP/J&B/HDD & Bypass
The work involved furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services, and construction for the installation of approximately 4231 lineal feet of 48” PLRCP Trunk Sewer Main along the East-bound lanes of Harbor Drive from Beardsley Street to 28th Street. Street sewer crossing connections included 21”, 18”, 15”, 12”, 10”, and 8” sewer mains with PVC T-Locked Manholes. Additional 427 lineal feet of 48” PLRCP were installed inside a 66” diameter steel casing via Jack & Bore operations in two locations to avoid existing utilities and crossed under the railroad tracks. A dual 30″ HDPE (SDR-9) Siphon Pipe was installed using Horizontal Directional Drilling running 232 lineal feet under the 28th Street Intersection. Abandonment of existing 39” trunk sewer, two 42” siphons, two 36” siphons, 21”, 18”, 15”, 12”, 10”, 8”, and 6” sewer mains were also included as well as the trenchless rehabilitation of 1550 lineal feet of existing 48” trunk sewer. In addition, this project included a series of dewatering wells and treatment tanks to draw ground water table to workable limits. A section of the 12″ CML&C water main for WG 525B from Sta. Sta. 7+96 to 9+75 was made part of this project as well in coordination with City and Orion Construction. A detailed, well-planned and executed sewer bypass system was set-up to handle approximately 13.96 MGD of raw sewer throughout the duration of the project without any spills.

Batiquitos (B1/B2) Force Main Replacement
Leucadia Wastewater District
Project Type: Sewer Force Main
Burtech Pipeline furnished all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, services, appliances, and appurtenances for the Batiquitos Force Main Replacement Project which included all work, materials, labor, tools, services, and equipment necessary for the installation of approximately 8,530 linear feet of 14-inch secondary effluent force main and approximately 8,530 linear feet of 24-inch sewer force main in a joint trench to replace existing mains. Installation of approximately 383 linear feet of Cured-in-Place Pipe in an existing 21-inch gravity sewer main, installation of a 5-foot discharge manhole; installation of isolation valves, installation of four air vacuum air release valves and four blow off valves in new 4-foot manholes. Project included additional trucked bypass in order to line the 21-inch gravity sewer main. Project included all saw cutting, dewatering, potholing of existing utilities, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan creation and implementation, environmental provisions (Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Plan – MMRP) implementation, abandonment and/or removal of existing 14-inch and 24-inch mains, removal and replacement of roadway surfaces, including saw cutting and removal of concrete roadway surfaces up to two feet thick, trenching, shoring, dewatering, pipe, bedding, compaction, backfill, off-site disposal of all construction waste pursuant to applicable law, performing all connections between new pipelines and the existing system; completing all trench resurfacing and site restoration; removing the existing sewer facilities as shown on the plans; installing corrosion protection; obtaining all required permits; and completing all traffic control and other work as necessary to comply with all regulatory, jurisdictional, and permitting requirements and to restore disturbed areas and surface improvements back to original conditions and all miscellaneous work as shown.

Harbor Drive Pipelines Replacement
City of San Diego
Project Type: Pipeline Replacement/Pressure Reducing Station
The Harbor Drive Pipelines are located in the Midway/North Bay and Peninsula Communities Planning Areas of City Council District 2. Project pipelines serve the western most part of University Heights and the northern section of east Point Loma pressure zones; and they provide backup service (redundancy) to one another. The project replaces two sixteen-inch diameter water mains installed in the 1940’s and 1950’s with new sixteen-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water mains. It replaces 4.4 miles of cast iron pipelines that have reached the end of their useful life. The project excludes segments of pipeline replaced by earlier City Public Utilities Department projects. The new PVC water mains will be installed using open trench construction methods in public streets and roadways. To avoid service interruptions and minimize traffic impacts, the project will coordinate with Cabrillo Elementary School, Dana Middle School, Point Loma High School, High Tech High School, San Diego International Airport, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the San Diego Port District.
The Harbor Drive Pipelines Replacement Project will improve water service, meet EPA requirements to protect water quality, reduce the likelihood of future water main breaks and reduce future maintenance needs altogether.